Closing Up Shop…

Urbansites Feature Photo (Photo Credit: Roneisha Mays 📸)

Those of you who have been following and/or keeping up with the RaJean Beauty journey are most likely aware of the surprise baby #2 that dropped for the 2023! Lmao!!

He was born Oct 5th, wide-eyed and looking exactly like me! (Insert proud mama grin! 😁)

You may also be aware that we opened our very first storefront location on July 1st this year! (Talk about a whirlwind!!!)

Now y’all know, I am all about being transparent and honest with you beauties. Being a new mama x2 is ALOT!! I don’t know if I’ll ever sleep good for a whole night again and it really makes me appreciate the uninterrupted nights of the past!

That said, I was loud and proud when we opened up!! Excited to do something that a previous version of me would have absolutely deemed impossible or unattainable. And as business owners, we have a tendency to shout our wins from the mountaintops while holding our so-called “losses” super close to our chest. All of a sudden its “hustle in silence”. But I want it to be known that not every win is a step forward and not every loss is a step back. Read that again. 💡

Taking inventory in this current space, I had to make the decision to let the shop go. And though it pained me to do so, I realized it was very unrealistic of me to be the sole producer, marketer, salesperson, and customer service rep for RaJean Beauty. While also having to keep shop hours and nurse my newborn. You all love me for my ambition and tenacity but the thing about self-awareness is recognizing and accepting when you’ve bitten off more than you can chew.

Those of you who have ordered since my delivery have likely noticed a little bit of a delay in shipping times and that (though warranted) is unacceptable to me and my standards for the company. Thus, closing the shop is one way to alleviate some of what was on my plate.

Rest assured, I am still making and selling my products. I have no intention of stopping any time soon. But the power in “No” is taking back control of my time so that I can be better for my babies, myself and for you guys! And trust me, it’s only up from here so the next shop will be super fucking bomb!!

So once again, I appreciate you all’s love and continued support as I grow and evolve during this phase of life. Thank you for having grace as I attempt to do so as well. Spending this time with my littles makes me so happy! I can’t even fully express it!!!! And a happy mama means more love in those products you all swear by! 🥰😉😘


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